We are an ethical and innovative biosciences company that specialises in food functionality utilising bioactive ingredients to target Inflammatory, Cardiovascular and Neurodegenerative Diseases. We are pioneers in the use of powerful cacao flavanols.
  • There is growing consumer awareness of the link between diet, nutrition and chronic heart disease. Consumers are looking for a product that combats chronic heart disease and neuro degenerative diseases as they age, a product that acts as a cardio-vasculature stimulator
  • We have developed the world’s first patented technology that provide bioactive functionality in a range of food platforms using powerful botanicals to impact degenerative diseases. These botanicals deliver complex chemicals, an array of dense nutrients and powerful stimulants working in a  natural synergistic harmony.
  • We are able to target Inflammatory [Celiac, Multiple Sclerosis, IBS and Diabetes] Cardiovascular and Neurodegenerative diseases.
  • This technology has taken over twenty five years to develop and we are the first in the world to do it.
  • We are now able to manufacture Food, Confectionery, Snacks, Nutritional and Wellbeing products with an EFSA Heart Health Claim using our UK patented  technology.
  • The market for functional foods, sports nutrition, the diseases of aging an inflammatory diseases are the fastest growing in the world with Covid 19 demonstrating the importance of nutrition and food functionality. Aligned with the growing demand for products that impact the diseases of aging our technology is critical.
  • Our objective is to put on to the market a range of products that mirror the daily meal plan. This products will all have an EFSA heart health claim

We will seek to develop a regulatory pathway with regulators to enable us to increase the levels of bio activity thus impacting our target areas. This means that we will have to assess the impact of this on the body by carrying out extensive research and clinical trials as we seek verification and quantify our efficacy. This will allow us to make substantive claims and to pursue a line of enquiry that maximises the potential of powerful botanicals based on data and Intellectual property.

Crucial to our work is our key relationships with international suppliers and a multicultural international team that contributes to the recognition that mixed multicultural teams are more successful at driving innovation. Our sophiscated offering means that not only are we focused at research and innovation but we commercialise our innovation and manufacture innovative products. This demands discipline and a continuous and rigorous approach to our internal processes. We will always seek excellence in what we do.


The company has been awarded funding from Government’s Innovate UK’s Programme. This has allowed Recocoa to develop an innovative production processes that will enabled it to integrate is powerful botanical ingredient into a number of food and confectionery platforms to provide functionality and nutrition. This process is vital as the application of heat destroys the powerful bioactives in the product that give it functionality

As well as IUK Funding the company has been supported by a number of regional innovation grants. We are grateful to support from the University of Newcastle and the Centre For Process Innovation in Sedgefield.

The company is continually grateful to it Equity funders and a number of organisations in Scotland and the Northeast who have provided continual support.


Our Directors

Quisque blandit dolor risus, sed dapibus dui facilisis sed. Donec eu porta elit.

Eric Widget
Eric WidgetCEO & Founder
Vivamus suscipit tortor eget felis porttitor volutpat. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a.
Helen Parkins
Helen ParkinsCTO & Partner
Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia in, elementum id enim. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada.
Jason Response
Jason ResponseCFO & Partner
Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus. Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a mauris.